All posts by proteinartist

I had RNY gastric bypass weight loss surgery in June 2014. Prior to my surgery, I was determined to prepare meals in advance to satisfy my 60-80 gram requirements per day. As a student with a meager income, I had to find a way to make my food intake be as protein-rich as possible, and made from scratch to save me money. My total prep for six weeks of post-op food cost me $75. Unable to afford protein powders, I was amazed at how successful I was with my meal ideas. I hope you can enjoy these recipes and make weight loss surgery work for you, no matter your budget.

Potato Creme Broth, Full Liquid Recipe, 3.14 grams protein per 4 oz serving

After gastric bypass surgery, people are sometimes temporarily lactose intolerant. This recipe adds protein to the broth with soymilk. Ingredients:  1 cup soy milk [10g] 2 cups mashed potato puree  [16g] 3 cups chicken broth [6*3=18g] Directions:  Add all ingredients to blender or food processor and pulse until mixed into a runny smooth broth.  Freezes very well. Yields: 14 servings of 4 ounce creamed broth, at 3.14 grams protein per 40 oz serving.  This counts as your liquid intake as well as your protein intake.  You may…

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Traditional Gefilte Fish, 9 grams protein per 3 oz serving

Gefilte Fish is a traditional Jewish food.   This is a very easy meal to prepare and packed with high protein.  Gefilte Fish is ground up white fish sold in frozen rolls.  It is suggested that the rolls is cooked in water with sugar and spices.  Skip Greek Dill Dip if you are lactose intolerant. For the bariatric puree stage, it is best to purchase one unsweetened roll of gefilte fish from your supermarket’s freezer isle.  Allow the roll to defrost, and place raw mixture…

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Day 3 Post-Op, First morning home

3 days post-op, just sat down to a cup of coffee, aaaaaaaah.  I still can’t believe I’m a “post-op girl”.  I’m looking into pharmacies here to see if I can get an abdominal binder, my guts are all over the place and really hurting. Can’t wait for the skinny woman that lives inside my imagination to come out and play! 1:29 pm working through the pain today with obscene strengths.  Josie called to check in.  Phyllis came buy with yogurt and prescriptions. She also purchased…

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Day Two, Leaving Hospital

I made history of being discharged four times in one day.  Nurse Maria drugged me against my will at 8:00 am.  She coerced me by saying, “we cannot discharge you without a pain mmanagementplan, you have to take this” and then shoved a double dose of narcotics into my mouth. I was pretty much kaput for 6 hours as I struggled to fight off the effects. I was in a dark bubble chained to the bed, unable to communicate, and unable to open my eyes…

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Day 1 after surgery

RNY was yesterday 6/27/14. I’m elated. Got in three hours of sleep twice in a row. Took a walk at 5:00 pm yesterday and 3:00 am this night. Looking forward to having some attachments removed when the doctor does his rounds soon. 9:45  am – Had my own broth, and they changed my room  and gave me a new bed. Finally, I’ll be able to releive my aching back. 10:45 am – dietitian was impressed with my organization. Had some more broth  

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Day of surgery

5:09 am- did not sleep a wink.  Pushed through the night, while running to the bathroom every now and then.   I suppose my colon is ready now, given all the drama this night. I had my surgical showers (twice) and am pushing time to head out for the cab to the hospital.  

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Day before surgery

Today’s horoscope:  “It’s a good day to trim the fat — in a budget, from your diet or anywhere else that seems like it could use cutting. Excess is not a good thing for you, at least not now. Go for moderation!” Surgery tomorrow!  Clear liquids today. It’s hot and humid, with rain showers.  I’ll push myself to start on some chicken broth because I’m feeling the hunger pangs now at 2:00 pm. 4:30 pm – colon prep is starting to work, JUST before my…

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RNY Surgery Goals

The night before my gastric bypass surgery, I spent a very emotional deep introspective hour composing a list of goals and stabilizing myself to believe that I am reasonable. Then, I composed a quick piano composition titled, “Anticipation”.  It has a steady lilting back-and-forth to support the deep growling melody in the bassline.  At times, the competing elements agree, and then return to the parallel thoughts. Dare I suggest the hint at the colon prep kicking in, and the notes emptying out to soft nothingness. It resolves…

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List of what to take to the hospital

suitcaseI highly suggest you keep you working document such as google docs ready and available to constantly add new items to your list of what to take to the hospital. You will get new ideas from others who have taken similiar journies, and you will want to write it down in one central place. Thanks to my google doc, I can now share the final list that worked for me.

To prepare for RNY Gastric Bypass, I knew I would be in the hospital for two nights and three days. I took the following items:

  • heating pad
  • baby wipes
  • aloe vera gel
  • ear buds
  • small leak-proof thermos
  • 4 oz measuring cup
  • 1 oz. shot glasses
  • Thin bathrobe
  • crocs
  • toiletries
  • Vaseline Lip Therapy
  • pajamas
  • fuzzy blanket

Yes, I took my heating pad. I knew from experience that it would take a doctor’s order and a day until the nurses would bring one to me.

I used the baby wipes to wet with warm water in the bathroom sink and wash up.  The aloe vera gel was purchased for itchy-burning sensation on stitches.  I ended up not using it until I returned home. Stitches typically begin to burn only after a few days.

My earbuds were never used, as I had no mental energy to listen to anything after the surgery.  I used the thermos for my own chicken broth which I brought with me.

I heated up one cup at a time using the microwave in the unit’s kitchen/utility room. By pouring it into the thermos, I was able to have warm broth for hours without having to keep taking a walk down the corridors.   The 4 oz measuring cup and the 1 oz. shot glasses were perfect for measuring and sipping per doctor’s instructions.   The day after surgery, I was allowed to begin drinking.  So I measured one ounce of broth into a shot glass, and drank that every hour. On day two, I began to drink two ounces every hour.

Heavy bathrobes are great fro the pool or after a shower. In a hospital, you want to have a thin bathrobe, nightie wrap, or long cardigan. The only purpose of it is not to warm you or dry you, but to cover up when you step out of bed with a hospital gown.

I am glad I took my crocs, because my feet were very swollen from the IV and water retention.   I mostly walked around with the non-slip hospital socks, but sometimes appreciated the support of the crocs.

I took my basic travel toiletries bag so that I had my hygiene products with me.  The hospital ended up bringing a bin full of toiletries to my room. I did not use it, because I am extra sensitive to perfumes in synthetic products.

For the rest of the day after the surgery, you will not be allowed to drink anything. Your mouth will get exceptionally dry and disgusting.  I used the Vaseline Lip Therapy to keep my lips moist. The nurses also provided sponge sticks to swap the insides of my mouth with ice water periodically. At first, it was like manna from heaven.  Later in the day, I only swabbed about once per hour.

When you prepare your pile of pajamas, make sure you bring tops and bottoms that are currently loose and big on you.  You will not be able to tolerate any pressure from the pajama pants waistband on your abdomen.  If the tops are loose, they will hang away from your body and not rub on your stitches or steri-strips.

Finally, I took my fuzzy blanket because it is thin but snugly warm.  After surgery, your body temperature will try to adjust.  Sometimes you will get the shivers, and sometimes you will just be sweating from heat.  It is helpful to have your own comfortable blankee that you know how to navigate without getting tangled in gloomy hospital sheets.


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    Week 1 Full Liquids, Day 4-5-6-7After weight loss surgery (WLS) such as Gastric Bypass, Lap Band, or Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG), you will be allowed to upgrade to full liquids sometime in the first week.    You may start eating yogurts, blended soups, and protein shakes.  I highly recommend that you consider clear chicken broth, since you…
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Tuscan Omelette, 20 grams protein per 4 oz meal

Ingredients: 1 egg (6g) 1 ounce feta cheese (6g) 1 ounce shredded cheese (8g) 1 teaspoon bruschetta from jar ¼ ounce minced onions (1/4 slice from one ounce cubes) salt & pepper to taste Directions:  Spray small frying with oil. On medium heat, combine feta cheese, minced onions and bruschetta, cook until bubbling. Add egg, salt, pepper, and shredded cheese Mix or flip until cooked, about two minutes. Yields:  One portion of Tuscan omelette at 20 grams protein.   Related PostsTaco Meal Puree, 13 grams protein per 4…

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