Chicken Liver Pate, 5.3 grams protein per ounce, 44.25 calories
Eating organ meat sounds gross, and believe me, it looks gross. However, it tastes amazing, and works as a high protein schmear on lettuce rolls or other veggies. A four-ounce serving is a whopping 21 grams protein, 177 calories. Ingredients: 1 pack (20 oz) chicken livers (140g,980c) 6 ounces (cubes) sauteed onions (.6g, 180c) ¼ cup soymilk (2.5g, 35c) ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon white pepper Directions: Bake chicken livers in oven on 500 degrees. After 15 minutes, drain juices and flip livers to the other…